Rosh Hashanah 2010

Rosh Hashana 2010
Rosh Hashanah falls out this year on September 8th in the evening and continues until nightfall on September 10th. The holiday transitions into the Sabbath on that Friday night.
Rosh Hashanah marks the time when the Jewish people begin saying prayers of repentance for the upcoming Yom Kippur holiday, which falls out 10 days later.
Rosh Hashanah is unlike the typical New Year, where the calendar restarts, but rather falls out on the first of the 7th month of the year. This is because Rosh Hashanah is a celebration of the creation, not the calendar. The Jewish calendar restarts on the first of Nissan, which typically falls out around April.
On the Jewish calendar Rosh Hashanah begins on the 1st of Tishrei and continues until nightfall after the 2nd of Tishrei.
The shofar , a ram’s horn is blown at the synagogue to remind the Jewish people that judgment day (Yom Kippur) is on its way. It is way to frighten people to wake up and repent for their sins.
This holiday is for the Jewish people to repent and make better resolutions for the upcoming year. We try to erase our sins in order to help inscribe us in the Book of Life. We ease the judgment process by doing teshuva, tefila and tzedakah.
Teshuva is a form of repentence. During the month of Elul, we begin reciting “selihot” which are prayers that express our regret and remorse for our ill deeds during the year. Tefilah, means prayer. We try to intensify our prayers in order to get ourselves in the mindset for Rosh Hashanah. Tzedakah can be any form of giving charity.
Take a look at our Rosh Hashanah 2010 Gift lineup

Shanah Tovah! Or Happy New Year!


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