The Definitive Guide to Correct Camp Packages

There are some hard and fast rules to sending the perfect camp package to your precious camper.

Never send a plush, huggable, Emoji pillow to a teenage boy. You may send that squishy care package to your girl, even if she is head counselor. You can buy that plush huggable smiley face camp package for yourself to stand in for the hugs you want to give your kids. But never, ever, dare send your boychik this camp care package


Camp Champ Hugs Emoji Plush Lolly Kids Pack $32.99

Definitely send a squirting fan to a camper. Just don’t let them bring it home after the summer with them…that is if you still value the carpet in their bedroom. They will definitely be squiring this one in one endless water fight…with themselves.


Camp Champ Cool Mister Fan Kids Candy Pack $24.99

When your camper calls to say he/she passed the deep water test, your child is saying he/she doesn’t want this camp package . You MAY send this camp gift basket with the colorful swim noodle to your little tyke at camp (read, child who only splashes in the shallows). You can even send this swim noodle camp care package to your big hulking 22-year-old who is working waterfront for the summer. He’ll find it funny. But don’t, and I repeat, don’t, send a swim noodle to the camper who thinks he/she’s too big for his/her bathing suit.


Camp Packages – Swimming Candy Print Noodle Bundle $49.99

Here is a safe bet camp gift basket, errr, I mean camp gift tower. Great bins that can stash loot after the candy loot is gone will be appreciated bythe campers, counselors, and even the camp mother. However, there is a caveat emptor. You must warn your precious camper what can or cannot be brought home in these containers. Yes, you are okay with pine needles, pine cones, seashells and even rocks collected from the vast outdoors of the camp grounds. BUT, make sure there is clear communication between you and your camper that these handy camp boxes should not come home with a bug collection, lizard habitat, frog family. Nor even a turtle. It is imperitave that you are very clear that you want your campers to enjoy the container…but that you want to enjoy their homecoming.


Camp Packages – Tower of Sweets $19.99

When the camp nurse stayed up for a week with your child’s poison ivy, you might want to get away with this cute thank you gift. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sorry to be so judgmental, but that just will not say “thank you for putting up with my kvetch for one week while I do it all year round.” You must go with something more respectable. May we suggest…


Choco-Aid Dark Chocolate Bandage Box $5.99

And when you get the final bill for the full camp fees, along with the guide to tipping your camper’s counselor, camp mother, camp rebbe, bunk waiter, camp lifeguard, camp security guard, camp zookeeper, camp groundskeeper and just about everyone else who needs a tip at the end of the summer, you might feel like you’re left with nothing but rags. May as well make them cool rags…and throw them in for the kid, too. What’s another investment in your child’s future between me and you. Wipe it out, wipe it up, enjoy the summer.


Camp Champ Cool Rag Kids Pack $29.95

Need more ideas?!  Check out out full catalog of camp gift baskets here


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